Did you ever wonder what kind of personality you are? Have you ever questioned yourself about it? Is it important for us to know, especially in terms of the learning process, what our personality types are? For me, I think it's very interesting for us to know about the personality test because it directly influences both educators' and students' attitudes, perspectives, and behaviors in terms of performance and effectiveness.
Besides, it will help to make it easier for the instructor to consider the students' different actions and assist them in the learning process. All right!-Okay! Let me quickly clarify what our personality styles are. So there are essentially four kinds of character that are Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, Phlegmatic.
The personality types of Choleric and Sanguine are more "out-going", more sociable, and more comfortable in a crowd, while the personality types of Melancholic and Phlegmatic are shyer and reserved and feel nervous about being in the crowd. So what about you guys? Are you thrilled to know? Later at the end of your reading, you will do a test to see what your personality styles are actually.
So, here take a look at those pictures. What kinds of photos appear close to your personality? Okay, let me start!
- A tendency to be more extroverted
- Enjoy belonging to a crowd
- It is easy to be social, outgoing, and charismatic.
- Vibrant, optimistic, buoyant, and carefree.
- Love adventure and have a high-risk tolerance
- Makes friend easily
- Fear of humiliation
- Gets bored easily
- Unorganized
- Talks too much
- Do not perform well in completing a tasks
Choleric individuals are similarly like sanguine. They tend to be more extroverted. They are described as independent, decisive, goal-oriented, and ambitious. These combined with their dominant, result-oriented outlook make them natural leaders. But what differentiates them is choleric personality more violent, vengeful, and short-tempered.
- Born as a leader
- Dynamic and active
- A strong will; not frightened by difficulties
- Decisive; tend to make quick choices. Most of their decisions tend to be correct.
- Optimism; focus on their goals to create positive outcomes
- Independent
- Impatient with perceived poor performance and have little tolerance for mistakes
- Bossy around
- Have high levels of narcissism
- Enjoy controversy and arguments and won’t give up when losing
- Unemotional and are generally unsympathetic.
Melancholic individuals tend to be analytical and detail-oriented, and they are deep thinkers and feelers. They are introverted and try to avoid being singled out in a crowd. A melancholic personality leads to self-reliant individuals who are thoughtful, reserved, and often anxious. They often strive for perfection within themselves and their surroundings, which leads to tidy and detail-oriented behavior
- Loves silence and solitude
- Organized
- Creative; loves arts, creates something new, and have a colorful imagination
- Think things through carefully before taking the next step.
- Kind, love to help and do so sincerely and gratuitously
- Good listener
- Empathetic; understand the true depth of feelings
- Very suspicious; they rarely trust people and is always afraid that others have a grudge against them
- Low self-esteem
- Slow in decision making
- Have high standards (perfectionism)
- Often feel moody and depressed
Phlegmatic individuals tend to be relaxed, peaceful, quiet, and easy-going. They are sympathetic and concerned for others as well, and tend to conceal their feelings and emotions. Phlegmatics are introverted and enjoy time alone. However, they are much 'nicer' and more friendly and social than the melancholic, as they're unburdened by 'perfectionism' and as such do not judge others. Phlegmatic personalities like to put other people first. They derive joy from being able to provide happiness to others. They also good at generalizing ideas or problems to the world and making compromises.
- Easygoing and relaxed and steady
- Quiet but witty
- Free from stress, tend not to worry
- Creative and imaginative
- Comfortable with themselves
- Hate to offend or hurt others
- The one who mediates problem and avoid any conflicts
- Lazy, get tired easily
- Shy
- Very stubborn
- Do not have discipline well and goal-oriented
- Dependable on others
Here, I attached this video to help you better understand. Do watch it guys!❤
Lastly, here is the link for the test of personality. You guys should try to take this test if you want to know what your real personality is. The test would only take 2-3 minutes. Just click on "BEGIN ASSESSMENT" and you may start. Good luck to all of you!
Thank you so much for reading my blog! See you next time in a new post ❤
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