Hi guys! Happy Thursday to you. Today I want to share with you guys about 9 MIND TRICKS HOW TO LEARN ANYTHING FAST because we as a student, have many types of learning. Such as there are students who are naturally born with intellect, there are students who are struggling to succeed, there are fast learners and slow learners. It is because learning new things is a big part of life. We should always be striving to learn and grow. But it takes time, and time is precious.
So how can you make the most of your time by speeding up the learning process? If you want to get a jump start on expanding your knowledge, here are 9 proven ways you can start learning faster today. Are you excited to know? Okay, let me get started!
You have a big project or a major presentation tomorrow and you’re not prepared. You liketo :
x study the notes and review the notes for an hour
x stayed the entire night
x crammed all the notes in advance
However, that is not the most effective way for our brains to process information, because our brain needs time to recover all the information, and you won't give your brain the chance to encode it. So, here the trick
Study for a few hours ⇾ get a good night sleep ⇾ study again in the morning
Research shows a strong connection between sleep and learning
Deep sleep helps strengthen memories and information
Help to restore our cognitive functioning to normal
Gives the brains time to rest and recover all the knowledge
Remember guys, do not stay up all night and hurting your brain.
When learning the skills:
x Do not do the same thing over and over
x Example like drawing, you keep drawing a tree for a week
x You just do the same thing over and over without making a slight
Make a small modification to your original routine
Put yourself to a test and challenges
Example: try to draw anything instead of a tree, like drawing a house or buildings
It lets you master your abilities faster than you do it the same way every time.
I know most of you did not know about this trick! HAHAHA, I just found out too! Okay, let me explain that.
Dozens of research demonstrate the benefit of chewing gum when studying:
helps our brain to learn faster because chewing gum has all kind of cognitive benefits
tend to be more alert
experienced less stress
help to stay more focused and concentrate even though in a distracting environment
help to stay calm, happy, and motivated while studying
tend to be more vigilant and lengthens the attention span
Plus, this is an interesting fact from two studies in the early 2000s, if people chew different flavors of gum, it will make the brain more receptive and flexible!
Next time, when you are studying, do not forget to chew your gum!
Staying hydrated is key to our cognitive abilities. We need to keep ourselves hydrated when learning A glass of water will improve our brain's strength.
There is a lot of benefit from drinking water:
Good for skin
Maintains optimum functioning of our body and brain
Improve the immune system
Help digest information to store new memories
Strengthen the short and long-term memory
Keep feeling enthusiastic about learning something new
Plus, the 2012 study showed that students who took water with them during a test or review performed up to 10% better than those who did not and give a huge impact on the grades! WOW, interesting!
So, next time when you have an exam, do not forget to bring water and stay hydrated!
My dear readers, are you learning the same way every single time? Is it effective? Here are the tricks you need to know to understand the knowledge and not just memorize it.
using flashcards (small cards containing short notes, pictures, or formula)
makes short notes using the mind map, diagram, and chart
say the information out loud
By blending styles, it will activate new parts of your brain and begin understanding concepts from different perspectives, and makes that information more interconnected and embedded in your brain.
Speed reading is the process of rapidly recognizing and absorbing phrases or sentences on a page all at once. Most people read at an average rate of 200 words per minute But, the ability to speed read could mean that you double this rate. Is it impossible? Why should we apply speed read while studying?
Allows information to be absorbed much quicker.
Increases knowledge in many fields of interest.
Allows recalling information more effectively.
Encourages to learn memory techniques
Can decide faster what is worth reading and what’s not.
So, if you can absorb
information faster⇾ you can learn faster ⇾ can decide more quickly what is worth reading.
A lot of people can study without music, but trust me some people like to study while listening to music. Like me, I tend to study while listening to music because it can eliminate my boredom and minimize stress.So, what about you? Is that music helpful?
Studies have shown that music can :
Produces several positive effects on a human’s body and brain.
Activates both the left and right brain
Maximize learning and improve memory.
Makes our mind more receptive to new information
Be more confident and productive
Reduces stress and anxiety
Helps to focus on and concentrate more
Boost up our mood
However, not everyone will prefer this technique because our brains are different. So, it depends on us. But for me, studying with music helps a lot! ^^
Makes a group discussion with friends
Do a lot of exercises
Keep on practicing
To excel at any skill, you need to push yourself out of your comfort zone and practice things you are not good at. That's why it is so important to keep on practicing what we have learned even though learning something new takes time, enthusiasm, and above all, because "PRACTICES MAKES PERFECT!".
Although it seems like the old-fashioned way, actually this is the best way to speed up your learning.
Helps digest more and recall the details you've been listening to.
Train the brain and muscles to remember and recall the letters that have been written.
Increases the ability to focus
Achieve a conceptual understanding of the learning
Avoid using laptop
Research has shown that those who type in their notes by hand learn more. Reframing the information in your own words helps you keep the information longer, meaning you will have better recall and will perform better on tests.
So, my dear readers, have you got all the tricks?
here I prepared a video for your better understanding! Go and watch it
Last but not least, although the learning process is difficult and complicated, do not give up easily because we still have a long way to go to achieve success! Please, remain happy and optimistic and do not push too hard on studying, If you feel stressed and pressured, take a short break. Please, love yourself first okay?
Thank you so much for reading my blog! See you next time in a new post ❤
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